Why Coronavirus could not be eradicated

Why Coronavirus could not be eradicated

The initiation and complete eradication of coronavirus is not yet clear. While it is most likely to lose influence over time, scientists are developing drugs that can limit the virus.

The Corona 19 (COVID-19) Pandemic has made headlines in media around the world, especially in the past two months. However, many still do not understand why the coronavirus started, and why it has not been able to completely eradicate it.
As for the inception of coronavirus, there are all sorts of hypotheses, often by fake news circling through social networks. There are rumors of top secret conspiracy, biochemical attacks or the fulfillment of prophecies. Of course, all of these rumors are circulating and many people are getting very wrong information.
In addition, there are numerous opinions as to why the virus could not be eradicated. Some criticize the government for making inconsistent decisions, while others say that science must wait for solutions to be needed .

Initiation of Coronavirus

The inception of coronavirus is one of many areas that are not entirely clear . There are some theories that are based on evidence rather than others, but nothing is certain.
The first thing to clarify is that the coronavirus has risen on a large scale and is not the first human infection.
Even so, the most widely known theory is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is now derived from bats and is indirectly infected with humans.
According to some people, bats spread pangolins , which in turn spread humans. Pangolin is an exotic animal that is consumed by humans and traded for medicinal purposes.
There is another theory that is gaining strength. Although the bat was not involved, it was said that the pangolin directly transmitted the virus to humans . In fact, a team of scientists found two coronaviruses very similar to SARS-CoV-2 in pangolin .
Many of the viruses that have hit humanity throughout history have come from animals. Therefore, the onset of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is likely to be an animal-borne infection.
Isn't the virus, like any rumors, made in the lab? Of course you can. However, only a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories are in vain, and there is no evidence for this.

One of the most recognized theories is that SARS-CoV-2 is derived from bats.

Why Coronavirus could not be eradicated

As a matter of fact,  humans have never been particularly effective at eradicating viruses. Since ancient times, humans have been battling viruses and bacteria. However , only two diseases have been completely eradicated: smallpox and righteousness .
The coronavirus is neither the first virus to attack humans nor the most lethal virus. The risk of Corona 19 is not a mortality rate, but a high transmission rate. The problem with this virus and another virus is that many people are infected at the same time, which means that the  medical system can collapse under immense pressure.
In an ideal situation (ie, a situation where everyone who needs to pay special attention to this disease is properly cared for), the mortality rate will be less than 1%. However, in the present situation, the mortality rate may be much higher than 1%. The high mortality rate is not due to the virus itself, but because all serious cases cannot be treated.

The problem with coronavirus is a high infection rate that can overwhelm the medical system.

The Future of Coronavirus

Since coronavirus infections have spread worldwide, it is highly unlikely that they will go away. In general, not all of these viruses have the goal of killing invading organisms, so they become more harmless over time. Eventually, the virus needs the organism to continue to multiply.
Since coronavirus is a new virus, it is not clear how the virus behaves. If you follow other similar virus methods, you are likely to gradually lose influence and adapt to humans. In addition, in summer, the number of patients has decreased, and in winter, a second invasion of infection is expected.
Meanwhile , many researchers around the world are studying antiviral drugs for SARS-CoV-2. The role of these drugs is to limit the likelihood of virus multiplication in the body. In addition , vaccines against this disease could be commercialized within 10 to 18 months.

Living with the virus

After all the virus epidemics, mankind had to learn how to live with these viruses. The time will come when virus particles will become part of the environment and the number of infected patients will change reliably.
Apart from the inception of coronavirus, which may or may not be decipherable, it is important to plan for the future action plans for the existence of SARS-CoV-2 in humans.

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